Hello! Welcome to Life with the Angeli Family!

It’s crazy good fun and we’re excited to share the journey with you!

Our story began almost 20 years ago on Christmas Eve. Mark noticed Amy sitting across the aisle at our church service and fell in love with her smile, at least that’s what he wrote on his Boy Scout stationary inside a note he presented her the next day. We not only went to the same church but also both worked at Kmart and had both volunteered to do the store reset on Christmas day to make some extra money. In short, the note said he noticed me, thought I was cute, was leaving town for a few days, but he hoped to take me out upon his return. We had our first date in January 1999 and that’s where our adventures began.

By the following Christmas Eve, right after midnight Mass actually, we were engaged. Mark proposed to Amy in the church grotto in freezing cold temps and she said yes! We had a somewhat long engagement and didn’t marry until May 2001. As excited as we were to be married and as excited as I was to be planning our wedding, we were equally excited about our honeymoon to Negril, Jamaica. That is when and where we both got bitten by the travel bug.

Now, almost 20 years later, with the addition of our 3 girls, our GEMs,  and many animals, we are always looking for our next great adventure, whether that be a day of high adventure in our own city, a weekend getaway, or an extended trip to somewhere we love or have never been. We plan to travel the world and have fun doing it! We aim to make every day fun no matter what we’re doing! Life is an Excursion and we don’t want to miss a day of it!

Getting to Know Us Better…

Meet Amy

The super fun lady with the crazy ideas! That’s me, and proud of it! Most people know me as being always on the go, creating fun and excitement even when there’s none to be found, very domestically challenged (did you know a green onion is not round?), an avid shopper who is in a serious relationship with Amazon much to my husband’s dismay, a seeker of deals, the Disney lady, mom to GEMs, a person who wants to be her own boss and travel all the time, and a Type-A living in a very chaotic and unorganized world (our house). And that’s what makes me crazy and unique!

By day you’ll find me at my 9-5 working as a Marketing Coordinator for a construction firm in the Atlanta area, and by night you’ll find me quoting family vacations for friends, family and clients wanting to go to Disney, on a cruise, to an all-inclusive resort and beyond! At any given moment of the day, whether awake or asleep, you’ll find me dreaming of travel and planning out every minute detail of our next family getaway. Not a minute is missed when on vacation! I could seriously think about, talk about, dream about, plan for and actively travel all day, every day.


Meet Mark

Mark holds many awesome titles including Most Incredible Husband, Best Dad in the World, IT Nerd, Crazy Pyrotechnic Guy, PSR Sunday School Teacher, Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout, Parrothead, Cigar Aficionado, the most Patient Man in the World and so many more. He’s an IT nerd by day, working at a printing company near Atlanta, GA, and a fireworks guy by night, managing the pyrotechnic crew for the Atlanta Braves fireworks. He’s a laid back guy who likes to have fun, travel, home brew when he gets the chance, and snuggle with his dog, Buster.

He puts up with a lot having 4 girls in the house on any given day, if asked what he wants, he’ll answer “a full day in a dark, quiet room with no talking” because apparently, amongst the 4 of us, there’s quite a bit of nonstop talking! Mark supports Amy with every single one of her crazy ideas, and there are many, and together Mark and Amy make a great team as she is the generator of the great ideas and he’s the doer that makes them come to life!

Meet Grace (the G in GEMs)

Grace is a pretty awesome 14 year old who excels at school and would rather be in school than on summer break unless she’s traveling, a cellist who has a gift for music and hopes of performing in the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra one day, a whiz at math and science, a typical teenager, a good friend, and a lover of all animals. Grace loves everything Disney and enjoys painting and drawing Disney characters. Grace wants to be a globetrotter filling her passport with stamps from around the world.



Meet Emma (the E in GEMs)

Emma is our caring, nurturing, always willing to help, preteen. She loves everything Stitch and panda related. She is a true middle child and our wild child. She will try anything once. She watches the weather like a meteorologist always warning us what’s on the horizon. She is a good natured kid who keeps everyone smiling and laughing.



Meet Mary (the M in GEMs)

Oh Mary, our old soul, wise beyond her years, and curious about the world. Mary is our 9 year old going on 60 who loves to learn about everything historical, in particular, The Titanic, the Great Chicago Fire, and so much more. She loves to watch documentaries and read the “I Survived” book series. She is such a unique child that has filled our lives with joy.